
Mediation provides an opportunity to communicate, agree a plan for the future together and work out a way to implement it.  It can work effectively in every situation where dispute or disagreement arises. 

If your relationship is over and you need to have productive and useful discussions about the future – mediation can help a couple to decide on the best way forward for all concerned. 

Separating or divorcing couples often feel very strong emotions particularly when trying to decide on arrangements for contact with their children.  Talking with your partner about the practicalities of living separately and how it will impact and affect the children can be difficult. Parents have lots of decisions and plans to make for their children and mediation can help couples to agree a way forward in circumstances where they have been unable to do so on their own, without further conflict.  It can often be a fraught process, but mediation can help you reduce the psychological damage caused to children experiencing their parents contentious separation/divorce. 

Even couples who have a good relationship can argue when discussions about finance arise.  In some cases, communication can break down completely leaving you unable to come to a resolution.   
Mediation can help in all these situations.  

Maintaining relationships 
Couples who have children are intrinsically linked and will be connected by their children for all of their lives.  Mediation helps to plan for the big events in children’s lives – religious ceremonies/graduations/weddings/birth of grandchildren etc.  Managing the way you communicate with each other can help children, under or over 18 years, continue to have two parents and not feel they are choosing one parent over another at important times in their lives. 

Family conflict 
Mediation can provide a place where constructive discussion can take place to resolve issues if you are having difficulties within your family which have nothing whatsoever to do with separation or divorce.

We spend so much of our time in the workplace and ,if personality clashes exist,  it can cause stress, depression and impact on health. Such disputes can cause significant cost to the organisation through lack of productivity, sick absences and general demotivating environment.  If you are having difficulties in the workplace – a manager trying to work with difficult staff or indeed staff members finding it difficult to work together – mediation can help resolve issues and find better ways to work together into the future.


If you have difficulties with your neighbours and want to live in peace – coming to mediation can help you achieve that goal.  Conflict or disputes which impact on your homelife can cause anxiety and stress.  An experienced mediator can help you to resolve issues and can support you in achieving a calmer relationship. 

Difficult conversations can take place in private rather than in Court – most people prefer not to have their private business known to the outside world and mediation is conducted in private sessions. 

Less delay 
It can happen quickly 
People can work together over a relatively short space of time to put plans in place for the future. 

Mediation is cost effective as the financial cost is likely to be much lower than any more formal legal process .

Less Stress 
The level of stress associated with separation/divorce/conflict of any kind can be reduced through being involved directly in discussions about solutions rather than having decisions negotiated by third parties.  Decisions are made by the persons directly affected by them. 

Returning to mediation 
Nothing in life stays the same and it is easy to return to mediation to discuss changes in circumstances and alter the agreements made previously,