In today’s environment, many of us are living in closer proximity to each other and disputes between neighbours can arise and cause us difficulties.  Our home is our castle is a very true concept and anything which impinges on our peace and wellbeing at home can be upsetting.   Community Mediation can help resolve the many issues which impact on our ability to enjoy our home.

The range of issues which arise are probably too many to list here however the following may give some insight into the problems whicha rise for people.

Neighbours sometimes fall out over a boundary between their properties. Maybe someone build a new wall or an extension and this has upset their neighbours. Being able to discuss the problem in a way which finds a solution rather than adding fuel to the fire can be really useful.

Difficulties can arise between landlord and tenants. Are there ground-rules which are not being followed or are there problems with the lease? Mediation can help resolve such issues and indeed many more.

Noise can be a problem for many people and the noise can be caused by any number of things. Being able to describe the impact of the annoyance can in many cases lead to a resolution. Mediation provides the ideal environment for such discussion where the conversation is managed by the mediator and is solution focused rather than finding fault.

For further information on Community Mediation please email us at

Community mediation

  • helps neighbours resolve issues. 
  • resolves noise problems. 
  • helps landlords and tenants resolve issues. 
  • can find ways to resolve problems which arise from construction noise. 
  • facilitates discussion between neighbours about boundary lines. 
  • sets a mechanism in place to help people understand how their behaviour impacts on their neighbours.
  • provides a safe environment to discuss the impact of antisocial behaviour. 
  • has the power to bring peace and quiet to a home. 
  • being able to discuss and resolve problems can help reduce stress.