About Pamela

Road to Resolution is a Dublin based mediation, conflict management coaching and conflict resolution service set up by Pamela Howard.   

” Everyone feels stressed at some time. Many of us feel we have too much to do, and are unable to prioritise demands, or get on top of the ‘to do’ list; some of us are in unhappy or unhealthy relationships, or have fallen out of love and feel stuck; there are those whose family relationships are negative and stressful, but finding a solution seems impossible; others are in unfulfilling jobs, or feel overburdened by work; whilst some of us simply don’t know what we want from life, or how to go about achieving it.  “

Pamela Howard

Pamela can help you to find your focus, learn how to manage conflict, reduce your own stress and anxiety, and make and follow through on life changing decisions.  

The service she offers will focus on you, understanding your needs and experiences, what holds you back, and supporting you to develop the confidence and skills to make positive choices.   
Working together, Pamela will help you to:

  • Clarify your thoughts, because thinking clearly is essential to making positive decisions that you can follow through on 
  • Understand why and how you react to others the way you do, because this is an important part of understanding our relationships    
  • Recognise the impact of your behaviour on others, and how you can help people to communicate with you  
  • Understand why people respond to you the way they do, and how you can shift that to maximize the chances of positive engagement.  

Pamela has wide experience of the types of conflict which can occur in the workplace and has developed tools she will share to help you manage this. 

Her qualification with the Family Mediation Service, and years of voluntary mediation have provided her with great insight into the difficulties experienced by families – both in situations where couples are separating and where there have been long term family disagreements.   
Mediating on a voluntary basis with Community Law and Mediation Services in Northside and Ballymun has given Pamela great insight into the effects of conflict on people living close together in the community, ways to help people move beyond these, and the long term benefits of resolving those conflicts through mediation. 
Her conflict resolution skills have been developed throughout her long career leading staff in the public service and managing difficult conversations.  As a Cinergy Conflict Management Coach she can help you to manage your reactions and negative thought processes and achieve more beneficial outcomes. Pamela can help you to better understand other people’s perspectives and develop ways that help you to relate more effectively. 

Pamela offers a service which helps people to find a satisfactory and healthy way forward. She helps people to resolve conflict in a way that is healthy and positive for themselves and others affected by the disagreement – particularly children. 

By working together, Pamela can help you to change your life in a positive way, and by doing so reduce the effects of stress and conflict on your day to day life and enhance your long-term contentment and happiness. Pamela has the qualifications, experience and commitment you need to help you achieve your goals.